My 4 Side Hustles Earn 2x As Much As My Day Job

3 tips that helped me turn my side hustles into my main gig.

Zulie Rane
5 min readOct 13, 2022
White woman in business wear (white shirt, black skirt, pumps) is standing on concrete steps, looking back at the camera. She looks very businessy.
Photo by Xenia Bunina:

This October, I totted up how much I made from all my different income streams:

  • Blogging
  • Videos
  • Mailing list
  • Freelance clients

I came to the proud and happy realization that my income is now 2x what I used to earn at my old day job as an account manager.

Effectively, I doubled my monthly income with my side hobbies.

How? Well, there are four separate income streams. It took me years to build up. I added on one at a time. And I’m not afraid to tweak the formula.

Here are the three factors I believe allowed me to double my income — and let me build a living doing what I truly love.

1. I Really, Really Love What I Do

I get to write! Every day! For my job! The literal dream. I absolutely adore content creation and that’s what let me power through tough times to the good times.

I used to work a typical 40-hour week. Then I used to work another 20–30 hours on top of that on my side gigs.



Zulie Rane

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.