The 18 Best Ways to Make Money by Reading Books

For anyone who loves to read books.

Zulie Rane
Books Are Our Superpower
11 min readMar 28, 2023


Lo-fi, night, appartement view city, lap top, messy room, books, galaxy, woman reading, candle. This woman looks like she might be making money by reading books. Not much, because she looks like a student, but a few extra bucks.
Prompt given by MidJourney bot: Lo-fi, night, appartement view city, lap top, messy room, books, galaxy, woman reading, candle — Upscaled by Baneslayer/

When I was younger, it was always my dream to become a professional reader. I wanted my entire day job to be reading books, thinking critically about what was good, what was bad, and what I would change, and then sharing my thoughts with other people. I really expected this to be a full-time job.

