Why Are We So Terrified Of Growing Old?

Women are told it is unacceptable to age.

Zulie Rane
5 min readDec 28, 2018

Every night that my boyfriend is away, I do something I’m not proud of.

I go to the bathroom, get the surgical tape out from where I’ve hidden it under my toenail clippers, and stand in front of the mirror.

By angling my head back and forth under the light, I can just about make out the beginnings of my “elevens”.

Note: elevens are not a wonderful mid-morning snack as I once mistakenly believed, but in fact a wrinkle caused by furrowing your brows.

Photo by Angels Vicente on Unsplash

Carefully, I apply the micropore tape to my forehead, pulling the skin until it’s taut and smooth. That way, I can’t frown in my sleep, which I suspect is contributing to my premature wrinklage.

I’m in my mid-twenties. I firmly believe a woman’s appearance should not contribute to her overall worth. I know, logically, that nobody but me sees or notices these lines between my brows. I know that even if they did, most people would not think any less of me.

And yet here I stand, under the bathroom lights, satisfied that my forehead is completely and…



Zulie Rane

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.